Trash and Recycling Collection Trial Period August 1, 2022 through October 31, 2022
Effective August 1, 2022, Conshohocken Public Services will start collecting residential trash and recycling once a week. TRASH AND RECYCLING WILL BE COLLECTED ON MONDAY AND TUESDAYS ONLY. Trash will no longer be collected on Thursday and Fridays.
This modified trial period collection schedule will begin on August 1, 2022, and end on October 31, 2022. See below for altered schedule.
East Side - Monday
West Side - Tuesday
East Side – Monday
West Side - Tuesday
Wednesday – East and West Sides
• If a holiday falls on a Monday or Tuesday, trash and recycling will be picked up on Wednesday.
• If a holiday falls on a Monday or Tuesday, yard waste can be put out on Wednesday evening for Thursday pick-up.
• Note that holidays that fall on a Saturday or Sunday are observed by the Public Services Team the following Monday. Therefore, as noted above, Wednesday is the make up Trash and Recycling Day for applicable Monday holiday closures.
• There is a limit of 4 carts/bags per household per pick-up (200 pounds maximum)
• Each household is permitted to dispose of one (1) large piece of furniture or bulk item per month with regular trash. This includes sofas, box springs, plastic siding, TV’s and all electronics. All other bulk trash or bulk metal collection must be arranged through the Borough of Conshohocken by calling 610-828-1092.
• Each cart/bag is not to be heavier than 50 pounds.
• Needles, syringes, lances and other sharp objects must be placed in a metal container with a secure lid so they are not a hazard.
• Please place your trash cart at the curbside of your property no earlier than 5:00 PM the night before and remove your cart from your curbside no later than 7:00 PM the day of collection.
• No construction debris, carpet, clean-outs, or move-outs unless approved by the Licenses and Inspections Department. Please call 610-828-1092.
Contact Bobbi Jo Myrsiades at 610-828-1092 or bmyrsiades@conshohockenpa.gov with any questions, concerns, feedback, or requests for additional trash receptacles. Residents will not be charged for additional trash receptacles.
For a link to the full public presentation on this topic given at the June 15, 2022 Borough Council Meeting please click here.