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Licenses & Inspections

Licenses & Inspections (L&I) is part the Operations Department. In total, the Operations Department is comprised of Emergency Management, Fire Services, Licenses and Inspections and Public Services. The Executive Director of Operations is responsible for managing each of these divisions. 

Licenses & Inspections is responsible for the administration and enforcement of Borough ordinances, along with Federal and State building codes. These ordinances may pertain to building, zoning, land development, housing, and property maintenance. 

It also responds to citizen complaints concerning property maintenance (lawn maintenance, snow removal, etc); construction project inspections; apartment inspections; curb and sidewalk inspections, and applications regarding building projects. L&I issues permits for Use and Occupancy, repairs, replacements, additions, and new installations of boilers, roofs, etc.

L&I works closely with the Police Department and the Borough’s Fire Marshal in the resolution of health and safety issues as well as residential nuisance complaints on a day-to-day basis. 

Contact Information

Borough Hall
400 Fayette Street, Suite 200 
Conshohocken, PA 19428

Commercial Building Inspector's Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:30 am – 3:00 pm (7:00 am - 3:00 pm by phone)

Telephone & Email Directory

Name Title Telephone
Z Raymond Sokolowski
Executive Director of Operations/ Emergency Management Coordinator/ BCO (610) 828-1092
Shauna Wylesol
Executive Administrative Assistant for Operations (610) 828-1092 x102
Cristal Ramos
Operations Administrative Assistant 610-828-1092 ext. 142
Michelle Summers
Licenses & Inspections Administrative Specialist (610) 828-1092 x107
Chris Small
Director of Licenses and Inspections (610) 828-1092 x119
Matthew Traynor
Commercial Building Inspector (610) 828-1092 x110
Mitchell Yanak
Code Enforcement Officer
Katelyn Wendling
Code Enforcement Officer (610) 828-1092 ext. 141