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Yard Waste

Yard waste collection is a service provided to Conshohocken Borough residents and is included in resident taxes. Service set-up is not required for new residents. Yard waste is recyclable and therefore, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Conshohocken Borough mandate the separation and collection of this material. Old blue recycling bins may be utilized for yard waste disposal. Yard waste stickers are available for pick up at the Borough Administrative Office, which can be used to convert old blue recycling bins into designated yard waste containers 

Yard Waste Collection 

Yard waste is collected once a week for all residential households. This also includes apartment complexes that utilize Borough sanitation and recycling services.

Yard Waste Collection Schedule

Day of the week Side of the Borough
Wednesday East Side & West Side 

Rules & Regulations  

  • Weeds, leaves, brush and plants should be placed in biodegradable paper composting bags. Please no trash in these bags. Grass clippings are not accepted.
  • Each bag should not to be heavier then 50 pounds.
  • Tree branches under five inches (5") in diameter, not exceeding five feet (5') in length, are to be securely tied into bundles and should not to be heaver then 50 pounds.
  • Christmas trees. Please no decorations, tree stands or plastic tree bags.
  • Please place your bags and or bundles at curbside on your property no earlier than 5:00 PM the night before.
  • There is no limit of yard waste collected that is determined to be reasonable by the borough.

Fall Leaf-Vac Collection

Public Services collects fall leaves on an annual basis as part of their Leaf-Vac Recycling Program. The program runs from approximately October through December. Public Services operates from a rotation schedule, which lists collection dates for specific streets. Adverse weather conditions may cause delays to the posted leaf collection dates. Once all scheduled pick-ups are complete, Public Works will continue to collect large leaf leaf piles and clean all inlets and culverts as needed, weather permitting. 

The annual Leaf-Vac Collection Schedule is posted to the Borough’s website under News just prior to the start of collection.

Fall Leaf-Vac Collection Rules and Regulations

  • NO PARKING signs will be posted on scheduled streets prior to leaf-vac collection. Motorists should obey the posted ‘no parking’ signs and be cautious on all roads during leaf collection season.
  • Leaf piles may extend along the length of your entire property. Please rake your piles to the curb but not into the street.
  • Do not mix limbs, brush, and other debris in the leaf piles. This may result in damage to equipment and injuries to employees.
  • Leaves will not be collected in the trash. Trash with leaves commingled will not be collected.
  • Once the leaf-collecting machine passes it will not return.
  • Leaf collection is limited on E. Hector and Elm Streets due to narrow roads, high traffic volume, one-way traffic, and the leaf-vac equipment. Public Services will make every effort to leaf-vac these roads, however residents on these blocks should plan to bag their leaves and place them curbside for pick up on Wednesdays with yard waste collection. 
  • There is yard waste collection every Wednesday throughout the borough.

Christmas Tree Recycling 

Public Works collects Christmas trees each year following the holiday. Christmas trees should be placed curbside the Tuesday before yard waste collection. The trees are collected, chipped and composted. All tree bags, ornaments, lights and stands must be removed. 

Grass Clippings 

The Borough of Conshohocken no longer accepts grass clippings with yard waste collection. Visit our Grass Clippings FAQs page to learn how you can properly recycle or dispose of your grass clippings.


For additional yard waste information, please visit the below resources from Montgomery County and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).

Montgomery County Yard Waste 

Montgomery County Compost 
DEP Leaf and Yard Waste Reduction
DEP COMPOST: Composting Home Page